EgeGaz acknowledges creating the conditions that will enable its employees to continue their activities in a healthy and safe environment to improve working conditions and to minimize the damages that may occur to its employees, third parties and property during its activities as its main objective.
EgeGaz has adopted the goal of being a pioneering organization in occupational health and safety, and culture of behavior in occupational safety beyond the legal requirements regarding occupational health and safety. Occupational safety awareness has been adopted by all employees as a normal way of doing business in order to prevent harm to people and the environment and with this corporate culture, it has been ensured that damage to people, communities and the environment is prevented.
Occupational Health and Safety Basic Principles:
Occupational Health and Safety Leadership
One of the roles of all leaders in EgeGaz is to encourage employees on occupational safety; to ensure that near-miss and dangerous situations are notified by employees with forms.
Participation in Occupational Health and Safety
To encourage employees and service providers to make decisions and choices required for more effective occupational safety practices by increasing their awareness of the importance of occupational health and safety as a value.
Occupational Health and Safety Audits
In addition to our regular monthly and annual internal audits with the goal of zero accident, unplanned inspections are also carried out in the field, checking the compliance with our management system and internal procedures in terms of occupational safety and providing corrective actions within the determined opportunities.
Performance in Occupational Health and Safety
To ensure full compliance with the targets by regularly monitoring and evaluating the determined targets.
Preparation in Occupational Health and Safety
To ensure that all teams and equipment are prepared for an emergency, with emergency drills held at regular intervals throughout the year. Keeping the emergency response equipment ready for use with the planned tests and controls performed by the occupational safety teams on the devices, machinery and equipment.
Training in Occupational Health and Safety
To organize trainings aimed at informing service providers, as well as periodically given trainings to increase the awareness of employees.